Steven also refers to the word 'dominant' to mean a 'global arena' of media on the globe (p.40). It's hard not to think about The Hunger Games at this point (and I know there'll be some scoffing at this) but all these individuals fighting for the most ownership and control over more media outlets (Rupert Murdoch comes to mind as well). The amount of differing owners of these outlets shrink as fewer companies can control more outlets and therefore wield more control in shaping the direction of society. Steven refers to this (groups of corporations as opposed to one individual) as oliogopoly.
Picture 1.1: Fighting - for survival or power? |
Picture 1.2: Careers or corporate giants? |
Even the phrase panem et circenses, or bread and circuses, can be interpreted as our current awareness of the poverty. Do we need games and technology to distract us from our conscience? Alice Schroder discusses the history of the phrase in this article and its use in Roman history.
Is this what we are heading for?
Steven, P 2003, The no-nonsense guide to the global media, New Internationalist, Oxford, pp. 37–59.
Steven, P 2003, The no-nonsense guide to the global media, New Internationalist, Oxford, pp. 37–59.
Picture 1.1: last accessed 22/7/12
Picture 1.2: last accessed 22/7/12 last accessed 26/7/12 last accessed 26/7/12
An enjoyable post to read, I especially liked your references to the Hunger Games (I must admit I have never read it or seen it....). In particular, I liked the analogies you drew between the film/book and media oligopolies. Good discussion of Steven (2003) however I was unsure where the reference to Alice Schroeder fitted in and it would have been good to go into a bit more detail with this reference - although 250 is a very tight word limit. Only came across one grammatical error in the sentence where you say 'but all these individuals fighting', I think there were a few words missing maybe? Overall a very insightful post to read, looking forward to the next one. Cheers